Where is my tribe?

I am a reader, so I read a lot of books, blogs and sites that have anything to do with motherhood. I hear about having friends, or tribes as some people call them. People you can call at any time and they will drop what they are doing and come to you. They will lift … More Where is my tribe?

4th of July

Ramadan has come and gone, along with Eid. I wish I could create the atmosphere of Ramadan in Jerusalem in my home but I can’t. I miss it. I hope to go back with my son one day. But this isn’t about Ramadan per say, it’s about the 4th of July and the fireworks that … More 4th of July

Tonight, I am sad.

I am sad. Not because something bad happened, or someone hurt my feelings but because I realized that my baby, Mr. handsome, is no longer a baby. He isn’t tiny enough to fit in my arms. He no longer coos when he is delighted to see me. He screams “Mommy”! He no longer is a … More Tonight, I am sad.

Coming back.

I have decided to come back to blogging. I have been away for so long that I forgot how to do it. Not really but almost. A lot to say and no where to say it. Sometimes I just need to write down mindless things or things that come to me and I just don’t … More Coming back.

8 months ago

8 Months ago, I brought my beautiful baby boy into this world. 8 months ago my life changed forever. 8 months ago I brought my smiling, silly, beautiful son into this world. 8 months ago I became a mom. Wow. I can’t believe it has been 8 months. 8 months of hardship, joy, tears, milestones, … More 8 months ago


I would like to know where time has gone. I have been away from this blog for 3 months or so..about the time I had Mr. Handsome and now my baby, is 3 months. How did this happen? Where has time gone? I mean, I remember the day we brought him home and he was … More Time