
I’m am a Muslim by choice and an Arab American by birth who has recently moved back to Jordan after getting engaged to a wonderful man (Mr. Chemistry) who lives here. We are embarking on a new life together and I look forward to seeing where this next “phase” in my life takes me.

I’m a work in progress, but then we all are.

Wintersamar – is a nickname I have had since I was young. I had a friend who used to call me Winter because my name pronounced in English is Summer. When I moved to the US, it was easier for people to say Summer than Samar. So, winter has stuck.

My blog is where I share my thoughts about things that inspire, anger, sadden and make me happy. My blog started in 2009 when I moved to Jordan, the first time, and needed a place to vent and engage with people on a different level and it has morphed into a place where I can share, engage and voice what comes into my mind. (Yes, there is a lot that comes to my mind!)

I hope you enjoy it!

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Good luck to ya on moving back to Jordan to live. Take it from someone who knows, you’ll need to be very patient when it comes to understanding the mentality. πŸ™‚
    I’m an Arab American from Yemen and I lived the same experience a while back ago.

    1. Thanks. I have been finding it a little difficult lately, but patience is key. You are correct! I’m just trying to get used to all the laws, rules, unwritten rules and way of life here..It’s an adventure. I might go back to the US and chalk it up to being young and stupid or I might stay here and really love it..We shall see!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hi Samar, are you Dorcia’s daughter?
    If not then ignore this comment.
    If you are, I am Lynn, we were great friends when we lived in Jordan and I have been looking for her for ages to no avail. Please contact me.

  3. I have the same name issue too! I got every season…what is funny is that i’m a winter baby πŸ™‚ I love our name!

    1. Thanks for visiting! Yes, it’s been an issue…and people think it’s funny to call me winter, autumn, and spring! I’m a spring baby…So, I guess it works! I agree, I love our name! πŸ™‚

  4. Our move to Jordan is fast approaching. I would love to ask you some questions outside of the public blog world. Any chance you’d email me? vtfarm645 [at] mac [dot] com Many thanks and LOVE reading your blog.

  5. Visiting Jordan in May of 2001 was one of the greatest thrills of my life. Love to travel and Jordan stands out as one of the all-time highlights. We stayed in an apartment in Amman (which I learned is always pronounced incorrectly in the States) and made day trips and one overnight to see other parts of the country. I remember waking up to the call to prayer, the beautiful bougainvillea, the excitement of the market. I never knew that so many of the places referenced in the Old Testament of the Bible are in Jordan. It was amazing to travel the King’s Highway and ride a camel through Petra, to coat myself with mud and float in the Dead Sea, to snorkel the colorful Red Sea reef. It is an amazing country!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! This country does have some amazing things to see πŸ™‚ I also love walking around the markets. It’s just fun to see all the great things they have to offer.

      Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you come back to Jordan again!

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