What are we teaching our kids?

This question has been popping up a lot lately. “What are we teaching our kids?” I have been noticing that I have had a lot of issues with my kids lately. I have had kids repeating what their parents are saying but not only that using threats to get their way which makes you wonder … More What are we teaching our kids?

7 year old logic

A couple of days ago, I was having some issues with my kiddos at school. They started this bad habit of erasing on their chairs and keeping the shavings. It got to the point that they would sit on the edge of the chair, leaning toward their erasing and erase with their hand sort of … More 7 year old logic

I want…

I have been thinking about a the use of the words “I want….” We use it a lot as humans. We are constantly wanting something. From more time, more sleep, more money and the list goes on…So, I took it to facebook and asked what people wanted.  These are some of the answers I got: … More I want…

Lack of interest.

The other day, I was coming home from school and my friend called me about a noise disturbance in her building. She heard a woman and a man screaming at each other. That wasn’t the first time that she heard it, it had happened 2 weeks before but in the middle of the night. My … More Lack of interest.


“Smile, Samar. You need to smile more” That is what I heard coming down the stairs the other day at my job. This was coming from someone who I don’t know very well and haven’t really talked to. So, it was a bit of a shock. To say the least. At that precise moment I … More Smile

10 years

It has almost been 10 years since I graduated High School. It seems like a life time ago. Now, I’m sure some of you are thinking…”wait till you hit 20!” but I’m not there yet. I’m on my 10th and it sure makes me think about things. Where have I been and come in the … More 10 years